About the Parkersburg Choral Society

History of the Parkersburg Choral Society


It was in the midst of a torrential downpour and a church festival across the street from the Presbyterian Chapel that the Choral Society presented its first performance on Tuesday, October 16, 1888. The program, well received by the community, included several well-known choruses including The Heavens are Telling from Haydn's Creation.  Several pieces were presented by guest soloists Miss Flora Williams from Martin's Ferry, Ohio and Mr. W.B. Meeks of Huntington, WV.  Most significantly for our community, it was the first time that voices from all parts of our area were brought together to perform beautiful choral music. 
    After a several year hiatus, the Choral Society experienced a renaissance in 1966 when Edward Sprague served as the conductor of the Choral Society.  In 1967, the group officially became a non-profit, tax-exempt organization directed by a nine-member board of governors.